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The Minister for Planning rejected the mine proposal. His assessment of the project is damning for Kalbar. However they claim they are still going to progress the project.

To read more about the Assessment and Kalbar/Gippsland Critical Minerals/Appian latest moves check out the Updates on Victoria’s Most Ludicrous Mining Proposal , Kalbar’s delusional name change to Gippsland Critical Minerals , and how they’re trying to cash in on $Federal for rare earths.

We are also going through their 2022 Annual Report and will post information as it becomes available.

Thank you to everyone who has gotten us this far. It is now imperative that the Minister for Resources takes heed of the Minister’s assessment and rejects Kalbar’s application for a mining licence.

We still need your help to stop this mine – the health of our environment and the future of our children are depending on us.

In the Press