Gippsland Critical Minerals🤥

Why did Kalbar reserve the name Gippsland Critical Minerals Pty Ltd on December 5th 2022? Could it be because the name Kalbar is associated with an environmentally unacceptable proposal that they are ‘making up as they go’ and which doesn’t stack up financially? Or is it because of their reputation for ineptness and flexibility with facts? Or maybe it’s because Kalbar’s directors are trying every means possible to capitalise on ‘new federal financial incentives for Critical Minerals projects’ (aka getting their snouts in the trough) by pretending the Fingerboards project area has more ‘accessible’ and ‘valuable’ rare earths than it in fact does?

Let’s hope the bureaucrats and politicians have enough sense to investigate Kalbar’s exaggerated claims of the worth of the project instead of being sucked in by their apparent contention that if you repeat a lie often enough people will end up believing it.

Sadly it appears that our regulators do not have the expertise, the time or the inclination to properly scrutinise Kalbar’s claims about the viability of the resource. Even more worrying is that by choosing not to participate in the IAC Panel Hearings, the main decision-makers at Earth Resources chose to remain ignorant of the true facts about the Fingerboards proposal. In fact ERR’s absence effectively condone Kalbar’s continued arrogant behaviour and misleading ‘evidence’ throughout the hearings.