The list of documents has grown massively. To make it easier to access them (and to ensure they don’t disappear after the hearings are over) we are downloading them to our website. You can open the documents to read them or download them if you choose.
Document 294 is a list of questions the panel wants Kalbar to answer. It’s a reflection of the difficulty of getting anything out of the experts who are all responsible for some small thing, were acting on inadequate directions from Kalbar and clearly don’t seem to understand much about each others work or the mines layout or operations.
WEEK 2 – Started off the same way as week 1 with Kalbar abusing the system and submitting documents to be relied on at such a late hour that the other parties could not possibly have time to read them before the witnesses presentations. (It’s always after working hours on the day before, or on the morning of the day they are to be relied on.) Disgusting, low (but typical Kalbar) behaviour which will continue unless they are pulled up. This is a clear indication of how they will behave if they are, against all common sense, granted a licence. We are appalled at how they are abusing the expectations of the IAC in regard to fairness of the proceedings but knowing Kalbar these gutter tactics are what we’ve come to expect. The rules of fairness that are imposed on all other parties evidently do not apply to Kalbar and the IAC appears incapable of holding them to account.
May 10 – Kalbar: James Weidmann (surface water and flooding – without any modelling), John Sweeney (water impact – and denying existence of perched aquifers and spring fed dams)
May 11 – Kalbar: Robert Loch (rehabilitation), Aaron Organ (biodiversity and offsets)
May 12 – Kalbar: Doris Blaesing (horticulture – what a joke), Darren Billingsley (radiation – without considering all sources or sufficient assays from the Fingerboards area)
May 13 – Kalbar: Christopher Delaire (noise – without explaining how equipment with battery life of 14 hours can measure 24/7 for two weeks), Simon Welchman (air quality – selective use of information), Karen Teague (health – and wanting all farmers to wear PPE to avoid radiation and dust from mine)
May 14 – Kalbar: Joel Georgiou (groundwater), Hugh Middlemis (groundwater) – both refusing to acknowledge presence of perched aquifers and spring-fed dams
Day 6 – James Weidmann (Water Technology) surface water and flooding, John Sweeney (Coffey) Water impact – AUDIO RECORDING DAY 6